Thursday, August 13, 2009

City Council agenda item on granting a permanent easement to RWSA deferred

Item number 4 on the August 17, 2009 City Council agenda that was to be a public hearing on granting a permanenet easement to Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority in McIntire Park as part of the McIntire Road Extended project has been deferred to a future council meeting. Apparently the VDOT plan that showed the area proposed for the permanent easement was not correct and a revised plan will be prepared, a new date scheduled, and a new legal public notice posted in the Daily Progress at least one week prior to the hearing date. I believe that every effort will be made to hold this hearing at the first council meeting in September, so plan now to share your thoughts on this action with council. Note that granting this easement may be inconsistent with the Virginia Constitution of Virginia (Article VII - Section 9). I will provide the text of the staff report and the VDOT plan that was prepared for the now deferred action in the very near future. So, check back in a few days.

The item is listed on the city website (August 17, 2009 agenda with background) with the following information only - and no background material was posted:


Schenk’s Branch Interceptor Project – Easement to Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority (through McIntire Park)

(1st of 2 readings) (DEFERRED)

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