Saturday, August 29, 2009

Advisory Council on Historic Preservation seeks more consultation before approving Route 250 Bypass Interchange Memorandum of Agreement

Below are images of the 2-pages of a letter sent August 27, 2009 from the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) - Virginia Division Administrator indicating that ACHP is not in agreement with FHWA on their proposed plan to address historic property impacts identified for the Route 250 Bypass Interchange at McIntire Road. I and other consulting parties to developing a memorandum of agreement on this so-called Section 106 review have urged both the Virginia Department of Historic Resources and the Advisory Council on Historic Resources not to agree to FHWA's proposal in that it does not adequately avoid or mitigate impacts to historic properties eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. The eastern portion of McIntire Park and several other historic resources fall into this category and will be adversely impacted by the Route 250 Bypass Interchange project.

I am delighted that now the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation has responded favorably to input from several consulting parties and concerned citizens that the current proposal for the Route 250 Bypass interchange being developed by the City of Charlottesville and FHWA is not in compliance with federal preservation requirements. Recently, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers rejected a request by Virginia Department of Transportation for a water quality permit that would allow construction of the McIntire Road Extended project through McIntire Park because of inadequacies in their proposed project design as submitted.

The project development process has many flaws in it, and now that final approvals are being sought by the developers of the project, these flaws are becoming more obvious and being scrutinized by federal regulators.

Don't believe that the parkway is ready for construction. This is not a done deal.

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