Saturday, February 14, 2009

Kristin Szakos announces her candidacy for City Council

Although my photo of Kristin Szakos seems to be subject to some unknown electrical or light interference, Kristin presented a clear picture of what she will bring to Charlottesville as a city councilor. She presented her ideas for the city with great enthsiasm to about 50 people at the Downtown Transit Center at noon today. I imagine there will be many opportunities for you to meet Kristen in the months ahead, and I look forward to seeing her expand on her message given today as the campaign moves forward.

Kristin Szakos' handout stated the following:

I pledge to work to:

- Make City government more responsive to under-served neighborhoods
- Get people involved in the decisions that effect their lives
- Listen to all sides and strive to find common ground
- Find new and creative solutions to persistent community problems
- Use "people power" to bring needed change
- Find new ways to save money and reduce energy consumption

Charlottesville is an amazing city, and our Council can do amazing things if they're not afraid to act. I plan to bring a new energy - your energy - to City Hall next year. Let's transform Charlottesville into a place where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, a place that shows the world what's possible.

You can find out more about Kristin's candidacy at

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